Hanging With Hyland: Introduction
This is Hyland Harris:

For the last ten years, Hyland has been an all-star employee of the Louis Armstrong House Museum, officially serving as our Gift Shop Manager. Hyland is also one of our finest docents and storytellers, always on hand to give tours to anyone who walks in, from groups of elementary school students to international tourists making their first pilgrimage to Queens, in addition to VIPs such as Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones.

And another legendary drummer, Steve Jordan.

As we continue to populate our new “That’s My Home” Virtual Exhibit site with more content each week, we have decided to bring Hyland in as a talking head of sorts to provide insight on Louis, Lucille, Queens, the House, Louis the man, Louis the musician and much more. In other words, Wednesdays will now be devoted to “Hanging With Hyland!”
By way of an introduction, here is Hyland talking about his background with our Director of Research Collections, Ricky Riccardi.
In this next video, Hyland reflects on the importance of Louis Armstrong and in particular, the Louis Armstrong House Museum, in a post-COVID-19 world:
Check back next Wednesday for another chance to hang with Hyland Harris. Questions for Hyland that you’d like him to answer in future installments? Leave a comment below!