Louis Armstrong’s 1969-1971 Tapes: Reels 6-10

Virtual Exhibit • August 7, 2020

Last week, we got the ball rolling in our new series analyzing the contents of the 200 or so reel-to-reel tapes Louis Armstrong made in the last two years of […]

Louis Armstrong’s 1969-1971 Tapes: Reels 1-5

Virtual Exhibit • July 31, 2020

Louis Armstrong spent about 70 years on this planet, 28 of them in Corona, Queens. Yet time and again, we find ourselves returning to the last two years of his […]

Louis Armstrong’s 1969-1971 Scrapbooks: Scrapbook 2

Virtual Exhibit • July 27, 2020

Back in June, we did a three-part entry on a scrapbook Louis Armstrong compiled while convalescing at home in Corona, Queens after two stints in intensive care (here are the […]

Hanging With Hyland: Memories of Selma Heraldo

Virtual Exhibit • July 22, 2020

On Monday, we kicked off our new “Neighbor Spotlight” series with a post about the Armstrong’s beloved neighbor, Selma Heraldo. Hyland Harris joined the Armstrong House in mid-2010 and became […]